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Mari Bermain di Pulau Macan

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Pernah dengar nama Pulau Macan atau Tiger Island ga? Kalau ngomongin tentang pulau di Indonesia, memang ngga ada habisnya. Negara ini dikelilingi oleh laut dan memiliki banyak pulau-pulau dengan jenis pasir yang bermacam-macam dan biota laut yang beraneka ragam pula.

Have you ever heard the name of Tiger Island? When talking about the island in Indonesia, it's  endless. The country is surrounded by the sea and has a lot of islands with svarying sand types  and diverse marine lifes as well.

Pulau Macan atau Tiger Island ini adalah salah satu member gugusan Kepulauan Seribu yang berada di seberang pulau Jawa. Pulau Macan sendiri merupakan salah satu pulau terluar dari Jakarta di antara pulau-pulau seribu sehingga kejernihan dan kebersihannya pantainya benar-benar terjamin. Nah, saya ingin menceritakan pengalaman saya saat berkunjung ke pulau kecil ini.

Tiger Island is one of the Thousand Islands cluster members located across the island of Java. Tigers island itself is one of the outer islands of Jakarta in the thousand islands company,  making the clarity and cleanliness of beaches is really guaranteed. Well, I want to tell you my experience during a visit to this small island.

Di pertengahan bulan Agustus 2012, saya dan teman-teman kantor berencana outing di Pulau Macan. kami berkumpul di Marina , karena speed boatnya menunggu disitu. Jarak Marina ke pulau macan cukup jauh, sehingga harus ditempuh dengan speed boat. Yah, sekitar 1,5 jam mengarungi lautan.

In mid-August 2012, me and my friends are planning to have an office outing at Tiger Island. we gathered at the Marina Bay, because the speed boat is waiting there. The distance between Marina Bay to the tiger island  is far enough, so that must be taken by speed boat. Well, about 1.5 hours across the sea.

Setelah berkumpul, sekitar jam 8 pagi kami berangkat. Cuaca hari itu terik. karena kami berjumlah hampir 30 orang, maka kami menggunakan 2 speed boat. Setiap speed boat dapat menampung hingga 15 orang. Di dalam speed boat terbilang cukup nyaman. Ada kasur bagi yang mabuk laut atau ingin tidur sebentar, ada set karaoke, ada makanan,minuman, dan buah yang telah disediakan untuk sarapan. Bagi yang tidak ingin terkena sinar matahari, dapat menunggu di dalam speed boat. Bagi yang ingin merasakan angin laut dan memandangi laut yang luas, dapat menunggu di bagian luar speed boat.

Once gathered, around 8 am we departed. The weather was scorching that day. Since there were nearly 30 people of us coming, so we used 2 speed boat. Every speed boat can accommodate up to 15 people. Inside the speed boat is quite comfortable. There are mattresses for someone gets seasickness or want to take a nap, there's a karaoke set, there was food, drinks, and fruit that have been provided for breakfast. For those who do not want exposed by sunlight, can wait inside speed boat. For those who want to feel the ocean breeze and looking at the vast sea, can wait  outside speed boat.

Sesampainya disana, bibir pasti tersenyum. memang benar-benar indah pulau ini. Apalagi ditambah fasilitas resortnya yang bagus. Tidak akan rugi mengunjungi pulau ini .

After arrive there, you must be smiling.It's a really beautiful island. Moreover, it has nice resort facility. There will be no loss to visit this island.

Pulau macan sendiri terdiri dari dua pulau yaitu Macan Kecil dan Macan besar. Kedua pulau ini terpisah oleh pantai , namun hanya berjarak sekitar 50-75 meter sehingga dapat ditempuh dengan kayak, berenang, atau kano. Setiap pulau memiliki kelebihan masing-masing. Pulau macan besar adalah pulau utama , disinilah segala kegiatan berlangsung seperti tidur, makan, main, dan sebagainya. Segala fasilitas cottage dibangun disini. Di pulau macan besar tidak ada pasir putih, namun di sekitar jembatan dermaga spotnya sangat baik untuk snorkling/diving karena ikan paling banyak berkumpul disini. Selain itu, di dekat dermaganya juga ada sarang clown fish alias nemo. Saya sering kali snorkling di dekat sini untuk melihat keluarga si nemo. Benar-benar cantik.
 Tiger Island consists of two islands, namely Small Tiger and Great Tiger . The two islands are separated by the beach, but only about 50-75 meters so it can be reached by kayak, swim, or canoe. Each island has its own advantages respectively. Great tiger is the main island, is where all the activities take place such as sleeping, eating, playing, and so on. All cottages facilities built here. On the Great tiger no white sand, but around the bridge is excellent spot for snorkeling / diving because most fishes congregate here. In addition, near docks also nest  clown fish family aka nemo. I often swim near here to see the family of the nemo. Absolutely gorgeous.

Pulau yang lain adalah pulau macan kecil. Memang ukurannya lebih kecil sih, tapi semua hamparan pasirnya adalah pasir putih dan benar-benar bersih. Bagi yang ingin bermain pasir dapat berkunjung ke pulau ini. tapi hati-hati, bagi yang ingin snorkling / diving, sebaiknya di sekitar macan besar saja, karena di macan kecil lebih banyak bulu babinya. Lumayan kalau ketusuk, hahaha.
Jangan lupa membawa roti saat berenang biar ikan-ikan pada datang :P

 The other island is small tiger. It's smaller, but all of a stretch of white sand and the sand was really clean. For those who want to play sand can visit this island. but becareful, for those who would like to  snorkeling / diving, preferably do around large tiger, because in small tiger it has more sea urchin than great tiger. It'll be funny if you punctured, LOL.
Dont forget to bring some bread if you want to invite the fishes while you're swimming.

Kalau mau datang ke pulau ini, cukup bawa uang untuk jajan, dan baju ganti saja. Atau bawa sunblock bagi yang takut gosong. Selain itu sudah disiapkan oleh pemilik. Makanan, peralatan mandi, peralatan snorkling, dan permainan sudah disiapkan. Sangat praktis. Di pulau macan, pada siang hari kita dapat berenang, bermain volly pantai, atau hunt foto. pada malam hari, banyak permainan yang disediakan seperti billiard, uno, remi, dan permainan lain. Paling enak bermain remi beramai-ramai di main hut, sambil menikmati barbekyu yang sudah disiapkan. Tinggal datang aja deh pokoknya.
 If you want to come to this island, just bring money for snacks, and a change of clothes only. Or bring sunblock for you that fear of tanning. The other has been prepared by the owner like food, toiletries, snorkeling equipment, and other. Very easy. On this island, on the day we can swim, play beach volleyball, or hunt photos. at night, a lot of games available such as billiards, uno, cards, and other games. The most comfortable place for playing card is in the main hut, while enjoying a barbecue that had been prepared.

Makanan telah disiapkan oleh pengelola pulau. Jangan salah, makanan di pulau ini benar-benar enak, setara dengan makanan hotel. Di pagi hari banyak menu salad, sandwich, nasi goreng, dan sebagainya. Di siang hari ada menu ikan besar yang masih segar dan ditangkap oleh nelayan sekitar, dan di malam hari ada barbekyu. Benar benar mantap.
 The food was prepared by Island keeper. Don't worry, the food on this island is really nice, same level with the hotel food. In the morning a lot of the menu of salads, sandwiches, fried rice, and so on. In the afternoon there will be a large menu of fresh fish caught by fishermen around the island, and in the evening there was a barbecue of seafood. Really steady.
 Keesokan harinya, ada beberapa pilihan kegiatan seperti lanjut snorkling di pulau matahari , bermain di macan kecil, atau hopping island alias mengitari pulau-pulau di sekitar pulau macan ini. Tergantung pilihan anda.

 On the next day, there are several choices of activities such as snorkeling on the Matahari island, playing in small tiger, or island hopping , go around other island near tiger island. Depend on your choice.

Bagi yang ingin berlibur kesini, berikut rate harga yang dipatok oleh pengelola :
Here is the price rate from the organizer :

Bedding Type/ Capacity
Additional Nights
Island Tents
A variety of tents can be set up on the main island, or if you’re up for it, on the deserted island. Mattresses, sheets, pillows, and candles
Usually between island hut and driftwood 2
We have tents that can fit one to three people each.

Rp. 575,000
Red Brick Cabin
This is our most sturdy structure on the island, with two rooms and a small verandah with an Ocean theme.
King Size (2 ppl)
Extra Mattress
Rp. 1,735,000
Rp. 1,620,000
Rp. 690,000
King Size (2 ppl)
Extra Mattress (max: 3)
Rp. 1,735,000
Rp. 1,620,000
Rp. 690,000
Eco Island Cabin
Two cozy wooden rooms with a verandah facing the south featuring some home made driftwood furniture
King Size (2 ppl)
(max: 2)
Rp. 1,735,000
Rp. 690,000
King Size (2 ppl)
(max: 2)
Rp. 1,735,000
Rp. 690,000
Driftwood Hut 1
Open air hut with a private deck leading into the water
King Size
Extra Mattress (max: 3)
Rp. 1,850,000
Rp. 805,000
Driftwood Hut 2
Open air hut with a private deck leading into the water
King Size
Extra Mattress (max: 3)
Rp. 1,850,000
Rp. 805,000
Tropical Island Bungalow Rooms
Two very large rooms on stilts, bathroom downstairs, middle of the island, with a bamboo and forest canopy theme
West Wing - Bamboo
King Size (2 ppl)
Extra Mattress (max: 6)
Rp. 1,965,000
Rp. 1,850,000
Rp. 920,000
East Wing – Forest Canopy
King Size (2 ppl)
Extra Mattress (max: 6)
Rp. 1,965,000
Rp. 1,850,000
Rp. 920,000
Sunset Hut
This spot is our most popular option, facing West with unobstructed views of the horizon. It's open air and has an ensuite bathroom.
This is one large 'room' set for 4, 1 double bed & 2 singles
One King Size and two single mattresses. Four extra mattresses (max 8)
Rp. 2,080,000
Rp. 1.035,000
New Hut
This is a split level open air hut, like the sunset hut, with a private deck over the water and an ensuite bathroom.
This is one large room set for 4, 1 double bed and 2 singles
One King Size and two single mattresses. Two extra mattresses (max 6)
Rp. 2,080,000
Rp. 1.035,000

Bagi yang budgetnya terbatas dapat memilih tenda. Tidak kalah serunya dengan menyewa kamar, bedanya hanya tanpa kasur. Tenda juga menarik, kesan liburannya lebih terasa.

If you have less budget you can choose sleeping in tent. Dont worry, it's interesting also, same with renting a room. You can get more "holiday feeling" when choosing tent.

All package rates include:
  • Boat transfer from Marina – Pulau Macan – Marina by fast speed boat
  • Four delicious gourmet meals (2xL, 1xD, 1xB), plus unlimited snacks & non-alcoholic drinks
  • Use of windsurfer boards, row boat, and snorkeling equipment
  • Private use of 2 islands – free passage and use of our facilities on both
  • Use of pool table, 'macan tennis' equipment, badminton court, paddle balls, etc
  • Contribution to sustainability project
  • Tax and services
Discount Policy
  • Babies less than 3 years old come free
  • Children between 3-12 years old get a discount of Rp. 500,000 from adult price for the first night, and Rp. 250,000 less than the adult price for additional nights (which varies slightly with tax and service charge)
  • Indonesian Citizens – Rp. 100,000 discount, and Rp. 50,000 for additional nights
  • University Students – Rp. 100,000 discount, and Rp. 50,000 for additional nights
  • Groups of ten or more – 10% discount on accommodation rates (not boat)
  • Media / promotional discounts – if you are from a magazine or other media group and are writing about the island to the kind of people who would like our island, we offer one free package upon receiving a briefing about the intended coverage of our islands
  • We are open to barter deals where there is a clear benefit for us
I give this Island 4,2 Star :D
 If you have time, please visit this Island. It;s very recommended. And if you need more information about the island, the facility, or other thing you can open  :D
Have a nice trip.

Picture : reina, bona, me.

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